

Friday, March 9, 2012

...if things don't work out between Ben and I, you best believe I'll be finding an apartment full of geniuses to live next door to....

....but anyway, a thought for today....

There is a phrase that my mother often uses that's become increasingly relevant to me. I remember the first time she said it to me- I was small enough to ride in a grocery cart, and I was interrogating my mother with the many questions of life while she stocked up on mac+cheese and pork chops. "Mom," I asked as she passed me a box of cereal, "why are there so many people in jail?" And then she said it- a phrase I would hear much more- and even grow to repeat someday-

"because people are idiots."

And there you have it- the explanation for SO many of life's unanswerable questions, which included, but were not limited to "why don't people eat their vegetables?" to "why is there hell?" and you know, in my old age, "people are idiots" has become pretty damn useful. Call me naive, but it really had never occurred to me that SO many people are- well, idiots.

So go ahead- use the brilliant reasoning of my mother this weekend. If something bothers you, rationalize with old reliable. People ARE idiots. Go nuts.

And have a good weekend!!

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