

Monday, May 14, 2012

Obligatory Status Update- OR- Catching Up Over Coffee. Only Without The Coffee.

Forgive me, oh blogosphere, for I have sinned. It has been a million zillion years since I have last written. I cannot begin to explain the number of times that the task of blogging has crossed my "to-do" list, only to be overshadowed by something more important. But have no fear, that phase of my blog is over. On to newer, better, and (most importantly) MORE FREQUENT posts! Whew. I think I just felt everybody's collective sigh of relief. Well, you're welcome. I know you've missed me.

I want to start with a couple of links to blogs that I like to read when I'm not here. The first is an organization blog called my color coded life, and is actually written by the Education Director at the theatre where I work. There's some really helpful advice in there that is presented in a non-intimidating way. In short, even I can read it and not feel overwhelmed by how messy my apartment might be. So yeah, read her blog, follow it on twitter, go nuts! My favorites are her helpful humpday hints.

The next two are 25 in my 25th, [a blog written by a friend of mine from college. All of her posts are witty, hilarious, and REAL. I'm always excited when I see that she has a new post.] And White Beyonce, [written by another friend of mine from college. Quirky and funny in a totally different- but equally wonderful- way.] Reading these blogs makes me miss my friends, but also sort of makes me feel like maybe they aren't that far away. Thank goodness for the internet- otherwise I might really feel alone.

The last blog that I read is written by a woman named Jenny, or The Bloggess. She's spunky, outrageously funny, and is never ever afraid to say what she thinks. She also has a shop full of excellent crap that everybody needs, writes articles for a parenting blog, AND some really screwed-up sex columns. I would recommend her to anybody that needs a quirked eyebrow, a laugh, or simply a breath of fresh- if not slightly bizarre- air.

Tonight, I am going to take a page out of Jenny's book, and write an installment of SHIt I DID WHEN I WASN'T HERE (only I'll change the name. Nobody likes a copycat). It'll be great- sort of like we haven't seen each other in a while and are meeting up at bagel central to discuss life over bagel-wiches and raspberry-lime rickies (which I assume they've started slinging by now). So, without further ado...

CRAP THAT I'VE DONE WHILE I'VE BEEN GONE....(see what I did there...?)

AT RISING STARS...The Hunger Games has quickly consumed nearly the entire 3rd and 4th grade classes, prompting kids to ask me questions like "So, Amanda, what does a snapped neck look like?" and "Come on, who do you REALLY think deserved to win the games?" It's funny, because until this all started happening, I really hadn't given much though to how very ADULT this book's young adult content is. I would never EVER give this book to a CHILD of 9 or 10, unless I was ready to discuss dystopian society, the shadow archetype, the crowd mentality and how messed up THAT can be, and those creepy things called hormones. Ick.

AT THE THEATRE...Robin Hood is up and running, and has safely settled itself with the other hits that have graced the stage this season. I've booked busses, written lesson plans, and helped organize Girl Scout Day, which was this past Saturday. 100+ girl scouts, troop leaders, and moms came out to catch a matinee of the show and take part in drama school activities, get a special backstage tour, eat a soft pretzel and drink a capri sun. My favorite question of the whole day: "Um, why did the boy and the girl kiss? Did they know each other outside of the theatre?" mig just become my favorite question ever.

I've crocheted about 100 hats and scarves, and am gearing up to launch a project with them that I am really excited about, but more on that when I get more details ironed out. Ben and I also managed to clean out our closets today, and now have significantly less crap than before. What's scary is how much crap is still left. Bring on the Spring Cleaning!!

SELF INDULGENCE (AND SUCCESS)...I went to an acting class at The Actor's Center, a really awesome place on the other side of the Penn's Landing overpass. The class went really, really well and I was asked to audit another class (one geared more toward camera work) this Wednesday! If all goes according to plan I will spend the next six weeks taking notes and working hard and making sure I present myself as best I can with my headshot and resume. I'm very excited. And I feel so motivated! Even thinking about it makes me really happy! I also have two auditions at the end of May- one for Dog Sees God at the WAG theatre, and the other for Cymbeline with Philly Shakespeare Theatre! I am already slightly obsessing about the outfits I will wear the the monologues I will do and every possible detail. But it's good. It's really good!

CRAP BEN'S DONE...Ben has been accepted to Mount Sanai's medical school in New York City!! He's been given a decent financial aid package AND...we qualify for couples housing!! [All we had to do was open a joint bank account, provide proof of prior cohabitation, give each other power of attorney, and, oh yeah, obtain a domestic partnership once we move to Manhattan...sort of like being married without actually being married]. So, Ben will be moving at some point in August, and I will follow in September. With any luck, we will have a one bedroom apartment with room for a futon, so any and all visitors are WELCOME! Oh, and for those of you that are curious, Babs will be making the move with us. She is allowed to join us in the couples housing apartments as long as she does not grow to be more than 25 pounds and proves to not be part doberman (or any other scary- or not so scary- dog breed). So, everything med school has been pretty awesome. And that's- pretty awesome.

AND there you have it, everything that has been going on since I last wrote. Like I said, I want to make a sincere effort to be more consistant. Here's hoping.


1 comment:

  1. Mandy, by you moving to NYC I hope this means we shall be seeing you on Broadway come December!
