

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Finished Book Depression

Yesterday morning I started a new book. It was called Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion (and yes, it is the same Warm Bodies that sparked the movie which was released earlier this year). I downloaded it to my kindle and opened to the first page before I left for work. 10 hours later, I was finished, and I couldn't help but feel a little deflated. I knew that later in the night, I would want to read Warm Bodies again, but would have already finished it. And this morning when I woke up, I wanted to read only that particular book- I could start it over again, but it isn't the same.

I felt a little like this...

This happens to me a lot, this sort of finished book depression. I find a book, tear in, lose myself, finish the story, and then don't know what to do. This all usually happens in the course of a day, maybe two. Perhaps I need to read more slowly- only allow myself a certain number of pages a day- to extend my stay in these worlds. Maybe I need to pick books that are longer, which will not only prevent me from finishing too quickly, but also- if I get the hard copy- from carrying it with me everywhere I went. My purse is already heavy enough.

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