

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Non-Random Relations

I've been thinking a lot about my parents lately. It probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't been home to see them in a while, and that I am reaching a point in my life where I would like to live a lot closer to where they are (a desire which really isn't in the cards just yet). I've spent much of my life in complete denial that I bore any resemblance to my mother or my father- and maybe it's just that I am getting older, or that my missing them has suddenly made me self-aware, but I'm seeing similarities become more and more pronounced each day.

If you're familiar with my family, you know that when you look at my Mom, you have a pretty good idea of what I will look like in 30 years. We are both short with dark hair, and have figures so similar that we are able to share clothes. My wedding photos are basically a glimpse into the future...

If we're honest, though, the fact that I am my mother's daughter comes down to a lot more than our physical similarities. My mother and I share MANY of the same mannerisms, including an unimpressed/judgy face reserved for particularly irritating issues, and a propensity to slam things around in the kitchen if we're angry.

While the kitchen slamming is probably not the healthiest or most attractive release of frustration, I embrace most of my "Cindy-isms." It's sort of comforting to know that these tendencies of mine are rooted somewhere- an unexpected bond between mother and daughter. Maybe one day I'll have a little girl who will also give the unimpressed/judgy face. THAT'S the dream!! Hopefully she will inherit my mother's selflessness as well- a trait which I've managed to avoid until now, and remain envious of.

Then, of course, there are the traits I got from my father....

I mean, the photo pretty much speaks for itself, but I think that the "Dad" half of me is perhaps equally strong. My father and I are both able to talk for as long as there is someone to listen (and if there isn't, pets and friendly looking furniture are also welcome in conversations). My sense of humor is also pretty much all Dad- just consider my favorite joke (a bear and rabbit pooping next to each other in the woods...it's a long story). My father and I both love children, detest extreme heat and humidity, and have potty mouths. I flatter myself to think that I have inherited some of Dad's patience- it takes a lot to live with so many women- though that may be more of a delusion than reality.

I think I'll run these lists by them when I see them in a couple of weeks (Ben and I are renting a car and DRIVING to Maine...stay tuned for that insanity).

As powerful as denial may be, I think it's pretty clear that I have grown up to be very like BOTH of my parents. Adolescent me would shudder at the thought, but there are certainly worse things.

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