

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Handsome Friend Telly

When I was working at the slots, I had a strategy that would give me a little "up" when I was feeling down. For every bad thing that happened or that I thought, I would make myself think of two good things, and then I would feel better. I can't take all the credit for this though. My strategy was actually a solitary version of a game invented by my friend, Tyler, and I think it was originally used to make fun of someone, but nevertheless, it helped me get through some of the rougher days of slinging diet coke and feeling unsure about where my life was headed.

After posting my last entry and doing some serious meditation and soul-searching, I have decided to bring back my old strategy. Now, considering the severity of my last post and it's negativity, I have decided that I will share not two, but FOUR good things that have made me happy this week.

1) I got to skype with my handsome friend, Telly last night, who I have not seen in a while. It was very god to catch up, and he gave me a wonderful suggestion for the title of the post this morning!

2) My sister bought THESE SHOES for me, and they arrived at my apartment last night!! Ruby red, just like dorothy!! Lets see those flying monkeys try and catch me now!!

3) I got to spend much of yesterday cooking and watching the Golden Girls. I just love Betty White!!!

4) THIS GUY. There's something about his little face that tells you he knows that today will be a good day. And frankly, who am I to argue with that??

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 Words To Live By

Last week I had drinks with my friend, Katie. As we both simultaneously tried to tune out and eavesdrop in on the "writing club" that had spread itself out on the couches next to us, I shared my exploits as waitress, which inevitably involved some of New York's bitchiest.

See?? That's the thing," Katie said between sips of Stella. "People don't need to be mean. There is never a reason to be mean. Like, ever."

I know that this is a common sense type revelation for the entirety of my readership, but KATIE IS RIGHT. When you put things in perspective, there is almost nothing that you should really be mad about. With a few obvious exceptions. Murder of a family member, for instance.

Maybe I'm expecting too much. Or maybe I am just too sensitive to live in New York, I don't know. But I do know this: if you think that being a snarky jerk is all just part of- or worse- part of the FUN of living in New York, then I just feel sorry for you. Call me an optimist, an idealist, an idiot, whatever you want, but I honestly believe that a lot of the world's problems could be fixed if we all just adhered to two simple words- one tiny rule- BE KIND.

There are a lot of people out there, it seems, who are walking around with a sense of entitlement. They believe that the sheer act of being who they are entitles them to preferential treatment. They should be allowed right of way on the sidewalk, they have the right to have explicitly expressed rules bent for them, and if their needs are not met, they are entitled to be sour, nasty, and just plan mean to everybody. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this entitlement is false- shouldn't everyone just expect the same treatment? However, there is one thing that I think even the grouchiest of grouches DOES deserve- and THAT is to be treated with kindness. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed that not everybody sees eye to eye about this. I just don't see how there can be so much anger and hatred out there in the world- so many people who are cruel because they feel like they can- or because it's acceptable in the place they live. It's not. Its just NOT.

I don't understand why kindness is not the first option for everybody, or how, for some people, the other blobs walking around near them on this planet are not PEOPLE, but punching bags without nerves or brains or emotions. I don't understand how wanting to make people happy or make them feel better or to just be polite and kind to them labels me as some sort of idiot in many circles. I'm not stupid. I just want to be nice and I want to be treated with respect- and that is the same sort of behavior that I would like to see from everybody else. I didn't realize until recently that this concept is so difficult for so many.

Needless to say, it's been a rough couple of weeks....

...But I'll end on this note- if you've had a recent experience where something good has come from kindness- or if you plan on kindness helping you through a tough spot- will you comment or message or email me and let me know how it goes? I know that the world is full of decent and wonderful people, and that I am lucky enough to have surrounded myself with some of the absolute best- and sometimes it's nice to have proof of the power of kindness in writing- maybe to restore my faith on a particularly tough day.