

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

i is organized.

Everybody has some weeks that are better than others. If anybody you know claims otherwise- in either direction- they are lying. For me, last week was a real downer. Aside from the obvious laundry list of horrible things that happened around the country I was not feeling well, and spent most of my free time being totally unproductive and feeling absolutely 100% disorganized.

Not that it would take much, but I have a feeling that this week will be better. I've really organized my time.

Ben likes to organize his time while he's in the shower. I suspect that they majority of the time he's in there is devoted to planning his day. The whole washing thing is sort of an after thought. I wish that my brain worked like that. My bouts of extreme time organize-ed-ness always occur at the worst possible moments. I'll have an epiphany while I'm deep in the weeds at work, or- my personal favorite- when I am comfortably in bed, just hovering between being awake and asleep. I always promise myself that I'll remember the schedule that I should implement one I wake up, but of course I never do.

Except, mysteriously, for this past Sunday night. It was late and I was in bed, trying ti stop my brain from focusing on things that weren't sleep-- i.e. wedding planning, clothes shopping, my mile-long list of chores, and more recently, a case study due in one of my classes. "You know what?" I told myself, "I'm gonna get up early and FOCUS on that case study tomorrow." I wouldn't be surprised if I slept with my brow furrowed in determination. And, sure enough, Monday morning, I DID. I know, this kind of things NEVER happens, but it really jazzed me up for the rest of the day. I organized my time for the rest of the week, working carefully to allow an outing with J and F tonight, AND time for Ben and I to experience his very favorite Star Trek- TNG episode on the big screen. Spoiler Alert: They separate the saucer section of the Enterprise. Apparently it's awesome.

So. THIS week is looking excellent. now, if I can just keep my momentum. And hey, if my brain wants to do something similar EVERY Sunday night into Monday morning, I'm totally okay with that.

But I won't hold by breath.


  1. I giggled at the thought of you sleeping with your brow furrowed in determination. Go Mandy and your organizedness!
