

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Juicy June

June is the time when the sun stays out for good, there is pollen everywhere, and the humidity starts to make every un-air conditioned place feel like a sauna. June is also the time when I get a surge of optimism about today- the rest of the summer- next year- MY LIFE. Yeah, it's happening today. I'm making plans and making changes and I couldn't be more excited about where I'm headed. YAY LIFE!!

Tomorrow will be my first day at a summer camp for preschoolers on the upper east side. My co workers are awesome, we set up our classroom on Friday, and we actually get some kids in with us tomorrow! I'm still adjusting to the idea that pretty much every school in Manhattan has a play area on the roof, but we will be up there playing for the next 11 weeks. I am very pleased. To make things even better, I was also just offered a job for the September-June school year. Amazing. Awesome. Kickin.

I am suddenly so excited about all of the trips I'll be taking this summer. Yeah, most of them are back home to Maine, but I will be running my second half marathon and wedding planning with my Mom, which, to me, are wonderful things to look forward to. And my weekends are free, so people are planning on coming to the city to visit me?! I couldn't be happier.

One of the more- erm-- bittersweet excitements I'm feeling now is the fact that I will have TIME to clean my apartment and make it look the way I want. The bitter, of course, is that I will actually have to clean, and probably for an extended period of time. But I'm ordering furniture and drawing plans on a yellow legal pad and Babs is running and hiding under the bed. She does not like change.

As much as I would love to sit here and gush more about how happy I am (entertaining as THAT may be), I must be off. It's time to get ready for my second to last Sunday brunch for a while. Bring on the Bloody Marys.

Does anybody else feel this way once summer has started? Some other time of year? What kinds of things are you feeling excited about? I guarantee that once you start thinking about it, you'll start to feel great. :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a picture of the play areas on roofs. That seems fun to me! Congrats on the jobs you have lined up! I think the sudden surge of vitamin D has filled me with optimism for the summer too. When are you coming to Maine!!?!
