

Saturday, January 14, 2012

love me some jack hodgins...

...and lance sweets, of course.

i'm watching bones and doing chores while ben tries to sell over priced clothes at the third most-robbed banana republic store in the country.

i'm having computer issues- or power cord issues, i guess. fortunately, i have a mac that is less than a year old, so i'm hoping that a fairly simple trip to an apple store will provide with me a new power cord and solve all my problems. i know that issues with technology are not usually that easy, but that seems to always be the case with apple and mac products, so i'll dare to dream.

being without a computer does strange things to my brain, which doesn't say much about my ability to survive without technology, but really, who can nowadays?? i just mean that i want to write and research and record things and listen to my podcasts, and i can't. sure, there's ben's computer--and his desktop, but they don't have all my STUFF. plus the lap top is a dinosaur and i can't relax on my bed and use the desktop at the same time. *sigh* i'll just have to be patient.

while i was home (in maine, that is...), i had to field several questions about how i was liking philly, and you know, my answer was far different than it was around thanksgiving. in november i would have told everyone that the city was nice but that i was going to be ready to leave it when the time came. now, i still feel like the city is nice, but more and more i feel like i am finding a niche here. i'm starting to feel like i'm establishing myself in a way that i can actually see getting bigger and better. i have a nice apartment in a safe neighborhood, and across the street from my house is an amazing thai restaurant and a deli which makes THE best cheesesteak in philly (and i really do know, i've tried all of the "big three" and a few others...). we live near a main street full of bars and gourmet food stores and consignment shops and all kinds of awesome. we also live near pretzel park.

i have a job that allows me the freedom to embrace my hobbies. i get to work with kids who i love, and get to flex my educational muscles as well as my motherly ones. also, working with kids= the best birth control ever. in the world. who has two thumbs and will certainly not have kids until she's totally ready? THIS girl!

i have an internship at one of the more prominent theatre companies in philadelphia, and i hope that within the next few months, i'll be able to start teaching theatre classes too-- i start assisting teachers next week!! :)

i feel like i've built a pretty good life here- and i will be sorry to have to leave it, because in all likelihood, i WILL have to. there are avenues that could be explored where i DO stay here, but the thing about those is, i'm not wild about the other things that they entail- i.e. ben being in new york and me not being allowed to live in student housing and unable to afford to live in new york by myself. but i guess, in that scenario, at least i have this city to cheer me up. i like it here.


  1. Great posting, Mandy! Please try to figure out how to stay in Philly...it is a GREAT city, and one of the few that has actual funding for the ARTs.Keep in mind that Philly has over 30 Professional Teates, not including Dance Companies!!!
    FYI: My cousin lives in Ridley Park and is always looking for a good housemate (ie: one who stays there, but not often there). He is a very nice guy (a chef). If you want to explore that option let me know, okay? I can hook you up.
    Kathleen Brown

  2. oooh THANK YOU KATHLEEN!!! Come March, I may be taking you up on that option!! I am reallllly enjoying the theatre scene here, especially because I am starting to flex my teaching-muscles, and I'm finding I really enjoy that!

    I hope that everything is going great for you, and all the shows you are designing, and your wonderful family! I hope to talk to you again soon!

    mandy :o)
