

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Runner's High

Let's pretend that you and I are going to get together for coffee. ONly instead of chatting with present-day me, you'll be chatting with me from one year ago. So we'll have to meet in Philly. Hope that's okay. We'll go to Crossroads in Roxborough.

So, we're drinking our coffees and catching up and you ask me, "hey, how's the running going?"

"Ugh," I tell you as I roll my eyes. "I'm almost up to a mile now, but it's really hard. And it makes`my chest hurt."

My, how times have changed!

I'm not exactly sure when the change happened, but at some point between my willing myself to run a mile and my completion of a half marathon, I realized: I LIKE to run! I look FORWARD to running! And when the weather isn't great, I get pouty because I can't run. It's a very drastic change.

Some things, however, do not change. For example, the first 10-15 minutes (in my case, the first miel to mile and a half) are still pretty brutal. I have to keep reminding myself that while it WOULD be nice to turn around and go home and lay on the couch, it will be even better to press on and run further before I head home. And I'm right- afterwards, I DO feel really great. And as the distance I've run increases, so does the euphoria. I don't know what causes this sensation (asides from an obvious release of chemicals in my brain). Maybe it's the feeling of satisfaction about how far I've gone- maybe it's my brain's way of saying "Hallelujah, the torture is over!" I don't know. But I DO believe that the feeling has a name: Runner's High.

It's a bizarre feeling. I feel tired, but energetic. I feel fresh and awake and alive. And it's awesome.

Now let's pretend that we are getting together for coffee today. We'll go to Champignon- it's right down the street from my apartment. This time, when you ask me how the running is going, I'll gush to you about the half marathon I'm running in July, the challenges of staying hydrated, and my quest to find a good pair of compression socks.

My, how times have changed.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Minnie Mouse Meltdown

My Minnie Mouse watch is currently MIA. I have looked in all the usual spots, and suspect a certain black-and-grey thief who is attracted to shiny objects may have hidden in somewhere. You can rest assured that I will be ripping the house apart this afternoon until I find it. *sigh*

However, this missing watch made me realize how often my life reflects some kind of cartoony-funny moment- though I should note that it's usually at a time that whose humor is lost on me until later. HERE is what I looked like yesterday as I walked to work, on the phone with my Mum, sans watch. Just replace any gripes about John Stamos with gripes about the missing timepiece and BAM- exact match.

You're welcome. Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Next Semester's Resolution...

VICTORY!! I've done it! My first grad school semester is OVER!! And I don't want to brag...except yeah, I totally do. Two out of the three grades are in...and they are both A+. I'm feeling exceptionally proud of me and my effort and my brain. But that's enough gloating.

I was expecting my main gripe for the semester to have something to do with procrastination- just waiting until the last minute to get the gigantic projects done. But I didn't do that- I actually planned them out ahead of time (amazing, I know), and had everything all set...but then...I would double check the rubric, and a frenzy would ensue.

I know that rubrics are supposed to be there to help you and make sure that you are on the right track. And for most people- most normal people- that is probably what it did. However, I would look at the expectation and the standard that substantiated an A, and suddenly freak out, worried that my paper/case study/curriculum/what have you didn't match those qualifications. I would drink tons of coffee and do a nearly complete overhaul- only to have the finished product be nearly identical to what I had in the first place.

This did not happen just once. It happened on four separate occasions.

SO, with that in mind, I am making a resolution for next semester. Instead of double checking my work by the rubric's standard at the last minute, I will only read through the expectations as I am working, and once I'm finished, there will be no freaking out and starting over. BAM. DECREED.

But that is for later. Right now I am going to focus on my NEW job, FINALLY cleaning my apartment, and reading FICTION! Which reminds me- does anybody have some good read recommendations?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Babs Blips- The Fur

Babs has a strange affinity for anything that is different- different color, different size, different texture- and will often position her self to lay down on said different item. This doesn't mean that this item is more comfortable than her previous spot, just that it is different. Different is very important.

Next week, once I am free from any graduate school obligations, I have made a promise to myself to get down to all the spring cleaning that needs to be done in APT 6D. Seeming to sense this, Babs has taken this time to start depositing as much white hair on as many non-white things as possible.

Here she is with a double whammy. NOT ONLY are my clothes a different texture than that of the chair they are resting on, but they are also a very dark color, where white hair will definitely be noticeable. Good Luck, future Mandy...

Friday, May 17, 2013


I've been having a little bit of trouble focusing this week. Now, don't get me wrong, I usually do struggle with focus, particularly on my days off, but it's sort of an opposite feeling than the way I feel now. Typically, my problem lies in the fact that I have a lot of different ideas for a lot of different projects (both school-related and...non-school-related...) and I can't quite decide what to settle on first. I usually end up with a bunch of partially done things at the end of the day, and need to deliberate on what should be prioritized first. I don't mind that so much. To me, it feels better than just laying around not doing anything. Which has sort of been my problem this week.

It can't be senior-itis. I am nowhere near completing my masters. So let's just call it end-of-the-semester-itis (wow, that just flows RIGHT off the tongue...). I feel like I am so close to the end...I only have a couple of things left to do....and yet I can't bring myself to actually finish them. Illogical as it may be, it is my current predicament. I have a take home test, a curriculum plan to finish, and *sigh* one last observation to nail down. Not to mention that the house is a mess and if I don't do some laundry soon- let's just say that it won't be pretty.

I WILL TAKE CARE OF THESE THINGS TODAY! Wish me luck! At least it's cloudy outside. When its sunny that saucy minx known as Central Park coaxes me outside for a longer-than-necessary run. Or walk. Or seat on the bench watching the area first-graders play capture the flag.

Hope everybody enjoys their Friday!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The End of the Semester Cometh...

So the blog has been on a sort of hiatus these past couple weeks as I struggled to get my sh*t together. Or keep my sh*t together, more rightly. There were projects to finish and quizzes to take and observations to be had and interviews to go on and--basically it was me running around the island of manhattan with a giant cup of coffee and a twitch-y eyelid.

Things are going well, and the times- they are a changin'. I promise that, once I get a free minute, I will sit down and explain everything in excruciating detail. But for now, have a look at the mandala that I made for my art class. It is my very favorite thing that I've made all semester.