

Friday, May 24, 2013

Next Semester's Resolution...

VICTORY!! I've done it! My first grad school semester is OVER!! And I don't want to brag...except yeah, I totally do. Two out of the three grades are in...and they are both A+. I'm feeling exceptionally proud of me and my effort and my brain. But that's enough gloating.

I was expecting my main gripe for the semester to have something to do with procrastination- just waiting until the last minute to get the gigantic projects done. But I didn't do that- I actually planned them out ahead of time (amazing, I know), and had everything all set...but then...I would double check the rubric, and a frenzy would ensue.

I know that rubrics are supposed to be there to help you and make sure that you are on the right track. And for most people- most normal people- that is probably what it did. However, I would look at the expectation and the standard that substantiated an A, and suddenly freak out, worried that my paper/case study/curriculum/what have you didn't match those qualifications. I would drink tons of coffee and do a nearly complete overhaul- only to have the finished product be nearly identical to what I had in the first place.

This did not happen just once. It happened on four separate occasions.

SO, with that in mind, I am making a resolution for next semester. Instead of double checking my work by the rubric's standard at the last minute, I will only read through the expectations as I am working, and once I'm finished, there will be no freaking out and starting over. BAM. DECREED.

But that is for later. Right now I am going to focus on my NEW job, FINALLY cleaning my apartment, and reading FICTION! Which reminds me- does anybody have some good read recommendations?

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