

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I had too much wine last night. My company hosted a dinner for the employees in celebration of the birth of healthy twin boys and impending nuptials. Not for the same woman. It was nice to get out and bond with everybody in a non-school setting, and the food was delicious. However, it was one of those restaurants where, if your wine glass is nearly empty, the waiter is immediately at your side to fill it. Around 9:30, I noticed that my teeth were purple and that I was feeling intense love for everybody- including those who were not members of our staff and were trying to enjoy a quiet dinner. Luckily, M was on the same page. We made our way to the train station, and here I am this morning, trying to build up my motivation to leave the couch, go on a warm-up run, and pick up my packet and number for tomorrow's race!!

Last year at this time, I was set to run a 10k that I hoped to use as my proof of time in my first half marathon. I was still a relatively inexperienced runner, and 6+ miles seemed like a lot, but I felt ready- it was my first-ever race with a number. Very exciting. However, this race took place on the same day as the New York City Marathon Tune-Up, an 18 mile run in central park for those who planned to run the Marathon in November. In addition, the route that I was set to follow crossed paths with the Tune-Up. Neither race had particularly well-marked routes, so I ended up running from City Sports on 48th street, up through Central Park to Central Park NORTH (i.e. 110th street), back down through the park, out at columbus circle, and down to Pier 83. I was shocked at how long it took me to run those 6.2 miles. Turns out it was actually 8.3 miles, so the 20 extra minutes on my anticipated finish time were there for a reason. I was a little bummed that my proof of time was pretty skewed, but at the same time, I was on top of the world- I had run 8.3 miles without stopping- good for me!!

This year, I am registered for the same race, but the route we will be following is along the West Side Highway, so I feel confident in my abilities to NOT run off course. Furthermore, the Marathon Tune-Up was last weekend, so no danger of following the wrong runners. Pretty sweet.

Even sweeter- last year I had to quickly change my clothes and hostess a crazy Sunday brunch after my run. This year, I'm planning a pedicure.

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