

Monday, September 23, 2013

Run 10 Feed 10 2013: A Play By Play.

5:45 am: My alarm clock goes off. I don't hear the noise, Ben does. He pokes me from his side of the bed until I'm alert enough to grab my phone from the bedside table.

5:48 am: I realize that it is still pitch black outside, and the sunrise time for New York City is approximately 6:43 am- by then, I will already be at the starting line. Must rethink plans to walk across the park and take west side train down to the pier.

6:00 am: Got my number, got my running shoes, got my ipod and my metrocard. Let's do this. But NOT before I snap a selfie...

6:02 am: Outside the building, I see that my hopes of the sun rising a little earlier this morning have been in vain. I make a mad dash for the 6 train. The one good thing about being out this early is that there is no traffic, so I'm able to interpret the 'WALK' and 'DON'T WALK' signals as 'RUN' and 'RUN FASTER'

6:12 am: Aboard the train. Can't sit down for fear that I will fall asleep. Grip the handrail and focus on keeping my eyes open. The train car is soon crowded with other runners. As I listen to them talk, I notice I may be the only one not planning to watch football later today.

6:27 am: 42nd Street. Shuttle to Times Square. The lights on the billboards are on and flashing away, but there are very few people on the streets, aside from the small groups of runners briskly walking across to 12th avenue. I can't help but unleash my inner tourist and look up at all the signs. It's bizarre to be able to do that and not run the risk of being bumped into or run over by a group of sight see-ers. I do not feel my usual hatred for Times Square.

6:43 am: We arrive at pier 84. The bag-check line is about as long as the race course. I never check bags at races. My philosophy: if it doesn't fit in my sweet Wristie, then I can probably survive without it until I get back home...

Of course, it usually helps that I have someone waiting for me at the finish line with a bag that I've packed the night before and persuaded them to bring to me. No such luck this time, I'll have to make do with what I've got.

6:52 am: The runners begin seeding themselves according to anticipated speed. There are 4 choices- 7 minute mile, 8 minute mile, 9 minute mile, and 10+ minute mile. I optimistically place myself with the 9-minute-milers. The lady next to me is eating a GU. I wish I'd thought to bring one. I KNEW I'd forget something

6:55 am: A middle school orchestra group serenades us with The Star Spangled Banner, and then shrieks upon realizing that a star from Glee is there to start us off! Unfortunately, my perpetual sleepy-ness and the fact that I had my earbuds in already prevented me from hearing WHICH star it was. Also, the sound was being broadcast over speakers, so even if I COULD have seen over the heads of my running-mates, I wouldn't have known where to look to see her. She takes a moment to wish us well, and...

7:10 am: WE'RE OFF!! Down the West Side Highway toward TriBeCa.

7:30 am (ish): I am approaching mile 2. I see the leader heading back toward the finish on the other side of the street. He is wearing a banana costume and has a goofy smile. I smile too.

7:41 am: I cross mile three. Halfway there!! We're instructed to stay on the right side of the path so that regular morning foot traffic can continue as usual. As a group, we are not so successful with this instruction.

8:08 am: Approaching the finish line. Take a deep breath and....FINISH STRONG! Whew! 6.2 miles in 58:06. A personal best!!

8:30 am: After walking the length of the pier to investigate the festivities and grab as much free stuff as I can (not kidding: LOVE the freebies they give away at races and race expos. Lotion? Plastic Pint Glass? Bumper Sticker? WOOT! What excellent and NECESSARY ITEMS!!) I head back east to get the 6. As I cross 12th Avenue, a traffic cop mentions that I look like I could run a little more. I laugh, partly because if my arms weren't so full of swag, I probably WOULD run a little of the way home, but also because, if he had seen me after last year's race,that is NOT what he would have said. Look at me, making progress.

9:00 am: Back on board the 6 train, fantasizing about the giant cup of coffee I will drink while I make Nutella-stuffed pancakes. And we're back to the usual Sunday routine.

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