

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Gateway To The Weekend

My mother and my aunt visited this weekend.

We walked approximately one zillion miles. Through Central Park, to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Rockafeller Center, the Toys R Us ferris wheel in the DREADED Times Square, and we made not one, but TWO trips to Chinatown. Canal street was quite an experience for the pair of them- the bartering, the sneaky opening and closing of the drawers and cupboards- they got some Christmas shopping done. And then some.

My mother was puzzled by my expression when they left on Monday morning, wishing Ben and I a relaxing evening now that we had the apartment back to ourselves. I laughed and cried "Are you kidding?? No sleep till Thursday!!"

That's hyperbole, of course. I HAVE slept between now and then. Quite a lot, actually. But with my classes set up the way that they are, I usually do not arrive home until some time between 9:30 and 10, and my old lady sleep requirements allow me very little time to work on chores, homework, or decompression before the only thing I want is to be asleep. How glamorous. Perhaps I should have said something like "No WORK till Thursday!" Although that, too, would have been a lie. I'll have to think about it.

Tonight after work, I won't be taking my usual green line train home. I am going to the West Side Y to pick up my packet for this weekend's race- the Fit For All 5k. I probably WILL run home after this one, unless there is lots of SWAG to be had...but only time will tell. I'm still on a high from my excellent 10k time two weeks ago, so hopefully I won't disappoint with my time from this race.

That's all for now. Enjoy your Thursday!! It means that Friday is almost here, and that we've almost made it through the whole week- just a little bit longer!!!

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