

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Essay-In-Progress. Sorry Folks!

When I was in my first semester of graduate school, I completed an observation at a local Montessori school. The school's director, who remains to this day, one of the nicest and most genuine people I have come across as a graduate observer, took me into her office and provided me with an opportunity to ask questions about Montessori eduction. “you know,” she told me as she handed me a few copies of Tomorrow's Child, a Montessori publication, “the philosophy of Montessori is that we do not teach. The children LEARN.”

Well, being a very naive and inexperienced teacher, I found this pretty insulting. How could any self-respecting reacher, particularly one who had sought their master's, as I was, take a position in a school which did not RESPECT their profession. The very idea! Teachers don't teach. PLEASE.

It is now six months later. Much has changed since then, and I will be the first to admit- I was such an idiot.

I've emerged from my second experience as a HUGE advocate for Montessori Education. It is absolutely fascinating to watch the children choose the work that they will do, and to watch the teachers work with them to ensure that they are getting the most that they can out of an activity. It is a calm and cooperative atmosphere. It is an environment of patience and respect. Each child knows what is expected of them, and because of these expectations, makes appropriate choices. I could go on, but I can feel all of your eyes glazing over from here.

I still disagree with the philosophy, to some extent. Montessori teachers do not teach. In the manner that is typically expected of early childhood educators, but they ARE helping the children to learn. They model appropriate behaviors, they include children in discussions about their actions and thoughts, and they encourage them to make decisions and draw conclusions. If this is not teaching, then it is certainly facilitating the learning which is taking place which, in some ways, is even better.

1 comment:

  1. You have me convinced that my future children need to attend a Montessori school. I also kept thinking of Avenue Q as I read this. Sorry... couldn't help it haha..
