

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I have a book that I've cherished since I was in about 5th grade called 101 Ways To Improve Your Life. Basically, it calls for you to relax and enjoy your life, but it also suggests that, in order to improve your attitude, you should never, EVER make New Year's Resolutions. So, for the past ten years, I have not made any resolutions. And it's been great.

But I feel like maybe I will make some this year. It will sort of be like having a to-do list for the next 12 months, and I DO love to cross things off of lists.

I decided on four resolutions for the year, with the obvious 'no more eating crap' and 'get the apartment organized' as mere implications...

1) FINISH A STORY-- something I have been talking about for years. I really think that a year will be enough time, if I have enough nagging [so get going, blogosphere, NAG AWAY!!].

2) GET MARRIED-- will certainly accomplish this one. August 29th, mark your calendars!

3) SEE A CELEBRITY-- preferably Patrick Stewart, who lives somewhere in Brooklyn.

4) LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR-- Ben gave me a lesson while we were visiting his parents, and it is actually very tricky- and hurts your fingers!! But I think it might be fun to at least know the basics, so that maybe I could play and sing with the kids in my class.

So there you have it. My plans for the New Year. Anybody else have some good ones? Or are you opting for none this year?

WOOO!! 2014!!!

And yes, I know that I shared this meme last January as well, but it's Captain Picard and it never gets old.

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